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发表时间:2015年03月16日 浏览次数:2465
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China
第一章 总则
Chapter I General Provisions
第一条 为保护和改善环境,防治污染和其他公害,保障公众健康,推进生态文明建设,促进经济社会可持续发展,制定本法。
Article 1. This Law is formulated for the purpose of protecting and improving environment, preventing and controlling pollution and other public hazards, safeguarding public health, promoting ecological civilization improvement and facilitating sustainable economic and social sustainable development.
Article 2. "Environment" as used in this Law refers to the total body of all natural elements and artificially transformed natural elements affecting human existence and development, which includes the atmosphere, water, seas, land, minerals, forests, grasslands, wetlands, wildlife, natural and human remains, nature reserves, historic sites and scenic spots, and urban and rural areas.
第三条 本法适用于中华人民共和国领域和中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域。
Article 3. This Law shall apply to the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.
第四条 保护环境是国家的基本国策。
Article 4. The protection of environment is a basic national policy for China.
The state shall adopt economic and technological policies and measures favorable for conservation and circulatory use of resources, protection and improvement of environment and harmony between human and nature, so as to coordinate economic and social development with the work of environmental protection.
第五条 环境保护坚持保护优先、预防为主、综合治理、公众参与、损害担责的原则。
Article 5. Activities concerning environmental protection shall adhere to the following principles: according priority to protection, emphasis on prevention, integrated governance, public participation and liability assumption of damages.
第六条 一切单位和个人都有保护环境的义务。
Article 6. All units and individuals shall have the obligation to protect the environment.
Local people’s governments at various levels shall be responsible for the environment quality within areas under their jurisdiction.
Enterprises, public institutions and any other producers/business operators shall prevent and reduce environmental pollution and ecological destruction, and shall bear the liability for their damage caused by them in accordance with the law.
Citizens shall enhance environmental protection awareness, adopt low-carbon and energy-saving lifestyle, and conscientiously fulfill the obligation of environmental protection.
第七条 国家支持环境保护科学技术研究、开发和应用,鼓励环境保护产业发展,促进环境保护信息化建设,提高环境保护科学技术水平。
Article 7. The state supports scientific and technological research, development and application of environmental protection, encourages the development of environmental protection industry, facilitates the environmental protection information technologies and improves the scientific and technological level of environmental protection science.
第八条 各级人民政府应当加大保护和改善环境、防治污染和其他公害的财政投入,提高财政资金的使用效益。
Article 8. The people's governments at various levels shall increase their fiscal input in environmental protection and improvement, as well as the prevention and control of pollution and other public hazards, and improve the efficiency of fiscal funds.
第九条 各级人民政府应当加强环境保护宣传和普及工作,鼓励基层群众性自治组织、社会组织、环境保护志愿者开展环境保护法律法规和环境保护知识的宣传,营造保护环境的良好风气。
Article 9. The people's governments at various levels shall strengthen environmental protection publicity and dissemination, encourage self-governing grassroot organizations, social organizations and environmental protection volunteers to carry out the publicity of environmental protection laws, regulations and knowledge, so as to facilitate a favorable atmosphere for environmental protection.
Educational departments and schools shall incorporate environmental protection knowledge into the curriculum of school education so as to cultivate the environmental protection awareness among students.
News media shall carry out the publicity of environmental protection laws, regulations and knowledge, and facilitate the exercise of public supervision on environmental violation activities.
第十条 国务院环境保护主管部门,对全国环境保护工作实施统一监督管理;县级以上地方人民政府环境保护主管部门,对本行政区域环境保护工作实施统一监督管理。
Article 10. The competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council shall conduct unified supervision and management of the environmental protection work throughout the country.
The competent departments of environmental protection administration of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall conduct unified supervision and management of the environmental protection work within areas under their jurisdiction.
Other relevant administrative departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and the environmental protection departments of military units shall conduct supervision and administration over resources conservation and environmental pollution prevention and control in accordance with applicable laws.
第十一条 对保护和改善环境有显著成绩的单位和个人,由人民政府给予奖励。
Article 11. The people's government shall give awards to units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in protecting and improving the environment.
第十二条 每年6月5日为环境日。
Article 12. June 5th is designated as Environment Day.
第二章 监督管理
Chapter II Supervision and Management
第十三条 县级以上人民政府应当将环境保护工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划。
Article 13. The people's governments at or above the county level shall include environmental protection work into their respective economic and social development planning.
The competent environmental protection administration under the State Council shall develop national environmental protection plan in accordance with national economy and social development plan, and submit to State Council for approval and issuance for implementation.
The competent environmental protection administrations of local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with other relevant departments, develop the environmental protection plans applicable for their respective jurisdictions in accordance with the national environmental protection plan, and submit to people's governments at the same level for approval, and thereafter the promulgation for implementation.
The environmental protection plans shall include objectives, tasks and safeguarding measures, etc. for ecological environmental protection and environmental pollution prevention and control, and shall align with the planning on main functional zones, overall land use, and urban and rural development.
第十四条 国务院有关部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府组织制定经济、技术政策,应当充分考虑对环境的影响,听取有关方面和专家的意见。
Article 14. When developing economic and technical policies, relevant departments of the State Council and people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall take into full account their environmental impacts, and solicit opinions from experts and relevant stakeholders.
第十五条 国务院环境保护主管部门制定国家环境质量标准。
Article 15. The competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council shall establish national standards for environment quality.
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their local environment quality standards for items not specified in the national standards for environment quality, and develop more stringent standards with regard to items already specified in the national standards. Local environmental quality standards shall be reported to the competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council for the record.
The State encourages researches and studies of environmental baselines.
第十六条 国务院环境保护主管部门根据国家环境质量标准和国家经济、技术条件,制定国家污染物排放标准。
Article 16. The competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council shall, in accordance with the national standards for environment quality and the country's economic and technological conditions, establish the national standards for the discharge of pollutants.
The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their local standards for the discharge of pollutants for items not specified in the national standards; and develop more stringent standards with regard to items already specified in the national standards. Local pollutants discharge standards shall be reported to the competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council for the record.
第十七条 国家建立、健全环境监测制度。国务院环境保护主管部门制定监测规范,会同有关部门组织监测网络,统一规划国家环境质量监测站(点)的设置,建立监测数据共享机制,加强对环境监测的管理。
Article 17. The State shall establish and improve the environmental monitoring system. The competent departments of environmental protection administration under the State Council shall formulate monitoring standards, and shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, organize a monitoring network, unify the planning of national environmental quality monitoring stations (posts), set up information sharing system for monitoring data, and strengthen the management of environmental monitoring.
Environmental quality monitoring stations (posts) of relevant industries and professions shall be established in compliance with relevant laws, regulations and monitoring standards.
Monitoring agencies shall use monitoring equipment in conformity with national standards, and comply with monitoring standards. The persons in charge of the monitoring agencies shall be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of their monitoring data.
第十八条 省级以上人民政府应当组织有关部门或者委托专业机构,对环境状况进行调查、评价,建立环境资源承载能力监测预警机制。
Article 18. The people's governments at or above the provincial level shall organize relevant departments or entrust professional institutions to make an investigation and an assessment of the environmental situation, and establish a monitoring and warning system for environmental resources carrying capacity.
第十九条 编制有关开发利用规划,建设对环境有影响的项目,应当依法进行环境影响评价。
Article 19. Compilation of draft development plans and construction of projects with environmental impacts shall be subject to environmental impact assessment in accordance with the law.
Development plans without environmental impact assessment developed in accordance with the law are prohibited to be implemented. Construction projects without environmental impact assessment developed in accordance with the law shall not commence to construct.
第二十条 国家建立跨行政区域的重点区域、流域环境污染和生态破坏联合防治协调机制,实行统一规划、统一标准、统一监测、统一的防治措施。
Article 20. The State shall establish inter-jurisdiction joint prevention and control coordination mechanism for environmental pollution and ecological damage of key regions and river basins to implement unified planning, standards, monitoring and prevention and control measures.
Inter-jurisdiction environmental pollution and ecological damage other than defined in the preceding paragraph of the provisions shall be resolved by coordination at higher level people’s government or consultation from relevant department of local people's governments.
第二十一条 国家采取财政、税收、价格、政府采购等方面的政策和措施,鼓励和支持环境保护技术装备、资源综合利用和环境服务等环境保护产业的发展。
Article 21. The State adopts policies and measures in terms of fiscal assistance, taxation, prices and government procurement to encourage and support the environmental industries such as environmental protection equipment, comprehensive utilization of resources technics, environmental services and etc.
第二十二条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者,在污染物排放符合法定要求的基础上,进一步减少污染物排放的,人民政府应当依法采取财政、税收、价格、政府采购等方面的政策和措施予以鼓励和支持。
Article 22. Where enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators achieve further pollution reduction beyond statutory discharge standards, relevant people's governments shall extend encouragement and support thereto with policies and measures in terms of fiscal assistance, taxation, prices, government procurement, etc. in accordance with the law.
第二十三条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者,为改善环境,依照有关规定转产、搬迁、关闭的,人民政府应当予以支持。
Article 23. Where enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators, with the aim of improving the environment, shift business lines or relocate business premises or close down in accordance with the requirements, relevant people's governments shall provide support.
第二十四条 县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门及其委托的环境监察机构和其他负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门,有权对排放污染物的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者进行现场检查。被检查者应当如实反映情况,提供必要的资料。实施现场检查的部门、机构及其工作人员应当为被检查者保守商业秘密。
Article 24. Competent environmental protection administrations of the people ’s governments at or above the county level, environmental supervisory institutions entrusted thereof and other departments that are responsible for environmental supervision and administration shall be entitled to carry out on-site inspection of the enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators that discharge pollutants. The units inspected shall truthfully report relevant situations and provide necessary information. The departments, institutions and staff thereof that conduct on-site inspection shall keep confidential the business secrets of the units inspected.
第二十五条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者违反法律法规规定排放污染物,造成或者可能造成严重污染的,县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门和其他负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门,可以查封、扣押造成污染物排放的设施、设备。
Article 25. Where enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators discharge pollutants in violation of laws and regulations, which may cause potential severe pollution, competent environmental protection administrations of the people’s governments at or above the county level and other departments that are responsible for environmental supervision and administration may seal up and detain the facilities and equipment that discharge pollutants.
第二十六条 国家实行环境保护目标责任制和考核评价制度。县级以上人民政府应当将环境保护目标完成情况纳入对本级人民政府负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门及其负责人和下级人民政府及其负责人的考核内容,作为对其考核评价的重要依据。考核结果应当向社会公开。
Article 26. The State adopts environmental protection target accountability and performance evaluation system. People's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate the fulfillment of environmental protection target as an appraisal criteria into the performance evaluation system for the departments with environmental supervision responsibilities at the same level government and their responsible persons, as well as performance evaluation for the lower level governments and their responsible persons. The evaluation results shall be made public.
第二十七条 县级以上人民政府应当每年向本级人民代表大会或者人民代表大会常务委员会报告环境状况和环境保护目标完成情况,对发生的重大环境事件应当及时向本级人民代表大会常务委员会报告,依法接受监督。
Article 27. The people's governments at or above the county level shall report, on an annual basis, the environmental conditions and the completion of environmental protection targets to the people's congress at the same level or its standing committee. They shall also promptly make reports to the standing committee of the people’s congress at the same level on major environmental incidents, and receive supervision in accordance with the law.
第三章 保护和改善环境
Chapter III Protection and Improvement of the Environment
第二十八条 地方各级人民政府应当根据环境保护目标和治理任务,采取有效措施,改善环境质量。
Article 28. Local people's governments at various levels shall take effective measures to improve environmental quality according to environmental protection goals and governance tasks.
Local people's governments of key regions and river basins that fail to meet national environmental quality standards shall formulate plans to reach relevant standards within a prescribed time period, and take measures to achieve the compliance target on time.
第二十九条 国家在重点生态功能区、生态环境敏感区和脆弱区等区域划定生态保护红线,实行严格保护。
Article 29. The State defines ecological redline for strict protection on key ecological functional zones, areas of sensitive and fragile ecological environment.
The people's governments at various levels shall take measures to protect regions representing various types of natural ecological systems, regions with a natural distribution of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, regions where major sources of water are conserved, geological structures of major scientific and cultural value, famous regions where karst caves and fossil deposits are distributed, traces of glaciers, volcanoes and hot springs, traces of human history, and ancient and precious trees. Damage to the above shall be strictly forbidden.
第三十条 开发利用自然资源,应当合理开发,保护生物多样性,保障生态安全,依法制定有关生态保护和恢复治理方案并予以实施。
Article 30. Exploitation and utilization of natural resources shall be developed in a rational way that conserves biological diversity and safeguards ecological security. Ecological protection and restoration programs shall be developed in accordance with laws and be implemented.
For introduction of exotic species as well as the research, development and utilization of biotechnology, effective measures shall be taken to prevent destruction of biodiversity.
第三十一条 国家建立、健全生态保护补偿制度。
Article 31. The State shall establish and improve ecological protection compensation mechanism.
The State will increase fiscal transfer to areas of ecological protection. Relevant local people’s governments shall secure compensation funds for ecological protection, and ensure its use on ecological compensation.
The State provides guidance to the local people’s governments of beneficiary areas and ecological protected areas on ecological compensation through consultation or market rules.
第三十二条 国家加强对大气、水、土壤等的保护,建立和完善相应的调查、监测、评估和修复制度。
Article 32. The State shall strengthen the protection of atmosphere, water and soil, establish and improve the corresponding investigation monitoring, assessment and remediation systems.
第三十三条 各级人民政府应当加强对农业环境的保护,促进农业环境保护新技术的使用,加强对农业污染源的监测预警,统筹有关部门采取措施,防治土壤污染和土地沙化、盐渍化、贫瘠化、石漠化、地面沉降以及防治植被破坏、水土流失、水体富营养化、水源枯竭、种源灭绝等生态失调现象,推广植物病虫害的综合防治。
Article 33. The people's governments at various levels shall enhance the protection of the agricultural environment, promote the application of new technologies for agricultural environmental protection, strengthen the monitoring and early warning system for agricultural pollution sources, and coordinate relevant departments to take measures to prevent the occurrence and deterioration of soil pollution, desertification, salinization, impoverishment, rocky desertification, and ground subsidence, prevent and control vegetation damage, soil erosion, water eutrophication, water depletion, provenance extinction and other ecological imbalances, and promote integrated plant pest management.
The people's governments at the county and township level shall raise the level of public services for rural environmental protection, and implement comprehensive rural environment management.
第三十四条 国务院和沿海地方各级人民政府应当加强对海洋环境的保护。向海洋排放污染物、倾倒废弃物,进行海岸工程和海洋工程建设,应当符合法律法规规定和有关标准,防止和减少对海洋环境的污染损害。
Article 34. The State Council and the people's governments at various levels in coastal areas shall provide better protection for the marine environment. The discharge of pollutants and the dumping of wastes into the seas, and the construction of coastal projects and marine projects shall be conducted in compliance with provisions of laws and regulations and relevant standards, so as to guard against and reduce the pollution and damage of the marine environment.
第三十五条 城乡建设应当结合当地自然环境的特点,保护植被、水域和自然景观,加强城市园林、绿地和风景名胜区的建设与管理。
Article 35. In urban and rural construction, vegetation, waters and the natural landscape shall be protected and attention paid to the construction of gardens, green land and historic sites and scenic spots in the cities in the light of the special features of the local natural environment.
第三十六条 国家鼓励和引导公民、法人和其他组织使用有利于保护环境的产品和再生产品,减少废弃物的产生。
Article 36. The State shall encourage and guide citizens, legal persons and other organizations to use environmental-friendly products and recycled products to reduce waste generation.
State authorities and other institutions financed by fiscal funds shall give priority to the purchase and use of energy-efficient, water-saving, materials-saving products, equipment and facilities that support environmental protection.
第三十七条 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,组织对生活废弃物的分类处置、回收利用。
Article 37. Local people's governments at various levels shall take measures to organize the sorting and separation, as well as the recycling of municipal solid waste.
第三十八条 公民应当遵守环境保护法律法规,配合实施环境保护措施,按照规定对生活废弃物进行分类放置,减少日常生活对环境造成的损害。
Article 38. Citizens shall abide by environmental protection laws and regulations, support the implementation of environmental protection measures, conduct sorting and separation of municipal solid waste in accordance with relevant regulations, and reduce damage to environment of daily life.
第三十九条 国家建立、健全环境与健康监测、调查和风险评估制度;鼓励和组织开展环境质量对公众健康影响的研究,采取措施预防和控制与环境污染有关的疾病。
Article 39. The State shall establish and improve environment and health monitoring, investigation and risk assessment systems; encourage and organize researches on environmental quality impacts to public health, and adopt measures to prevent and control diseases related to environmental pollution.
第四章 防治污染和其他公害
Chapter IV Prevention and Control of Pollution and Other Public Hazards
第四十条 国家促进清洁生产和资源循环利用。
Article 40. The State shall promote clean production and resources recycling.
Relevant departments of the State Council and local people’s governments at various levels shall adopt measures to promote the production and use of clean energy.
Enterprises shall give priority to the introduction of clean energy, adopt process and facilities with higher resource efficiency as well as low pollution discharges, and apply comprehensive waste utilization technologies and waste disposal technologies to reduce pollutant generation.
第四十一条 建设项目中防治污染的设施,应当与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产使用。防治污染的设施应当符合经批准的环境影响评价文件的要求,不得擅自拆除或者闲置。
Article 41. Installations for the prevention and control of pollution at a construction project must be designed, built and commissioned together with the principal part of the project. Installations of the pollution prevention and control facility shall comply with the requirements of the approved environmental impact assessment report, and shall not be dismantled or left idle without authorization.
第四十二条 排放污染物的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者,应当采取措施,防治在生产建设或者其他活动中产生的废气、废水、废渣、医疗废物、粉尘、恶臭气体、放射性物质以及噪声、振动、光辐射、电磁辐射等对环境的污染和危害。
Article 42. Enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators that discharge pollutants shall take measures to prevent and control the environmental pollution caused by waste gas, waste water, waste residues, dust, malodorous gases, radioactive substances and noise, vibration and electromagnetic radiation generated during production, construction or other activities.
Enterprises and public institutions that discharge pollutants shall each establish an environmental protection accountability system to identify the responsibilities of their persons-in-charge and relevant staff.
Key pollutant-discharging entities shall install and use monitoring equipment in accordance with relevant national provisions and monitoring guidelines, guarantee their normal operations, and shall properly keep the original monitoring records.
Discharging of pollutants by setting up concealed drains, making use of seepage wells or pits, perfusion, tampering or forgery of monitoring data, abnormal operating of pollution prevention and control facilities, or any other means that evade regulation, is strictly prohibited.
第四十三条 排放污染物的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者,应当按照国家有关规定缴纳排污费。排污费应当全部专项用于环境污染防治,任何单位和个人不得截留、挤占或者挪作他用。
Article 43. Enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators that discharge pollutants shall pay pollution fees in accordance with relevant state provisions. Pollution fees collected shall be exclusively used for environmental pollution prevention and control, and shall not be withheld, misappropriated or diverted for any other purposes by any entity or individual.
Pollution fee does not apply to those that are subject to environmental protection tax.
第四十四条 国家实行重点污染物排放总量控制制度。重点污染物排放总量控制指标由国务院下达,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府分解落实。企业事业单位在执行国家和地方污染物排放标准的同时,应当遵守分解落实到本单位的重点污染物排放总量控制指标。
Article 44. The State shall adopt total emission control system for key pollutants. The total discharge quota of key pollutants is assigned by the State Council, and allocated to provincial, autonomous region and provincial-level municipality governments for implementation. While conforming to national and local pollutants discharge standards, enterprises and institutions shall also fulfill the total emission control quota for key pollutants as assigned to them.
For regions that fail to fulfill the total emission control quota or achieve the environmental quality targets assigned by the State, environmental departments at or above provincial level governments shall suspend the EIA approval for their new construction projects that may cause increase of the total key pollutants emission in the region.
第四十五条 国家依照法律规定实行排污许可管理制度。
Article 45. The State shall adopt pollution administrative permit system in accordance with the law.
 Enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators pursuant to pollution permit system shall discharge pollutants in accordance with the requirements of their permits; No pollutant discharge is allowed without a pollutant discharge permit.
第四十六条 国家对严重污染环境的工艺、设备和产品实行淘汰制度。任何单位和个人不得生产、销售或者转移、使用严重污染环境的工艺、设备和产品。
Article 46. The State shall implement elimination system for pollution-intensive techniques, equipment and products. No entities or individuals shall produce, sell, transfer or use techniques, equipment and products that seriously pollute the environment. 禁止引进不符合我国环境保护规定的技术、设备、材料和产品。
Technology, equipment, material or product that fails to meet national environmental protection standards are prohibited of importation.
第四十七条 各级人民政府及其有关部门和企业事业单位,应当依照《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》的规定,做好突发环境事件的风险控制、应急准备、应急处置和事后恢复等工作。
Article 47. The people's governments at various levels, their relevant departments, enterprises and public institutions shall, in accordance with the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, conduct proper risk control, emergency preparation, emergency response and post-emergency restoration for environmental accidents.
The people’s governments at or above county level shall establish public monitoring and warning system for environmental pollution, and organize the development of early warning scheme; in the event of pollution emergency with impact to public health and environmental security, timely announcement of warning information and emergency response measures shall be taken by the competent government administrations in accordance with the law.
Enterprises and public institutions shall formulate emergency response plans in accordance with relevant national regulations to submit to competent environmental protection administrations and other relevant departments for record-filing. In case of occurrence (or potential occurrence) of environmental accidents, enterprises and institutions shall take immediate measures to handle the situation, timely inform units and residents that are potentially affected and report to the competent environmental authorities and other relevant departments.
After the completion of the emergency response work, the relevant people's government shall immediately organize the assessment of the environmental impacts and loss, and disclose the assessment results to the public in a timely manner."
第四十八条 生产、储存、运输、销售、使用、处置化学物品和含有放射性物质的物品,应当遵守国家有关规定,防止污染环境。
Article 48. The production, storage, transportation, sale and use of toxic chemicals and materials containing radioactive substances shall comply with the relevant state provisions so as to prevent environmental pollution.
第四十九条 各级人民政府及其农业等有关部门和机构应当指导农业生产经营者科学种植和养殖,科学合理施用农药、化肥等农业投入品,科学处置农用薄膜、农作物秸秆等农业废弃物,防止农业面源污染。
Article 49. The people's governments at various levels and their agriculture and other relevant departments and agencies shall guide agricultural producers and operators to conduct scientific cultivation and plantation, rationally apply cultivating additions such as pesticides and fertilizers, and properly handle agricultural wastes including agricultural films and crop straw and prevent non-point sources agricultural pollution.
It is prohibited to apply solid waste and wastewater that do not conform to standards on agricultural use and environmental protection to farmland. When conducting pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other cultivating additions or irrigating, measures shall be taken to prevent pollution from heavy metals and other toxic and hazardous substances.
The site selection, construction and management of livestock and poultry farms, breeding zones, designated slaughtering enterprises shall be in compliance with laws and regulations. Entities and individuals engaged in livestock poultry breeding and slaughtering shall take effective measures to dispose of manure and carcasses of livestock, sewage and other wastes in a scientific manner to prevent environmental pollution.
The people's governments at the county level shall be responsible for organizing the disposal of rural household waste.
第五十条 各级人民政府应当在财政预算中安排资金,支持农村饮用水水源地保护、生活污水和其他废弃物处理、畜禽养殖和屠宰污染防治、土壤污染防治和农村工矿污染治理等环境保护工作。
Article 50. The people's governments at various levels shall allocate funds in their fiscal budgets to support protection of rural drinking water sources, treatment of domestic sewage and other waste, pollution prevention and control for livestock and poultry breeding and slaughtering, prevention and control of soil pollution, management of rural industrial and mining pollution and other environmental protection work.
第五十一条 各级人民政府应当统筹城乡建设污水处理设施及配套管网,固体废物的收集、运输和处置等环境卫生设施,危险废物集中处置设施、场所以及其他环境保护公共设施,并保障其正常运行。
Article 51. The people's governments at various levels shall, in a coordinated manner, plan for treatment facilities and supporting pipeline networks for urban and rural construction sewage, environmental and sanitary facilities such as those for the collection, transportation and disposal of solid waste, centralized facilities and sites for hazardous waste disposal, as well as other public facilities for environmental protection, and ensure the normal operations thereof.
第五十二条 国家鼓励投保环境污染责任保险。
Article 52 The State encourages participation in environment pollution liability insurance.
第五章 信息公开和公众参与
Chapter V Information Disclosure and Public Participation
第五十三条 公民、法人和其他组织依法享有获取环境信息、参与和监督环境保护的权利。
Article 53. Citizens, legal persons and other organizations shall have the right to obtain environmental information, participate and supervise the activities of environment protection in accordance with the law.
The competent environmental protection administrations of the people ’s governments at various levels and other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities shall disclose environmental information pursuant to the law, improve public participation procedures, and facilitate citizens, legal persons and other organizations to participate in, and supervise, environmental protection work.
第五十四条 国务院环境保护主管部门统一发布国家环境质量、重点污染源监测信息及其他重大环境信息。省级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门定期发布环境状况公报。
Article 54. The competent department of environmental protection administration under the State Council shall release national environmental quality, monitoring data of key pollutant sources and other major environmental information. Competent environmental departments of governments at or above provincial levels shall regularly publish environmental status bulletins.
The competent environmental protection administrative departments of the people’s governments at or above the county level and other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities shall disclose information on environmental quality, environmental monitoring, environmental emergencies, environmental administrative permits, environmental administrative punishments, the collection and use of pollutant discharge fees, etc. in accordance with the law.
The competent environmental protection administrative departments of the people’s governments at or above the county level and other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities shall incorporate environmental violation behaviors of enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators into social credit archives system and promptly disclose the list of lawbreakers to the public.
第五十五条 重点排污单位应当如实向社会公开其主要污染物的名称、排放方式、排放浓度和总量、超标排放情况,以及防治污染设施的建设和运行情况,接受社会监督。
Article 55. Key pollutant-discharging units shall truthfully disclose the names of their major pollutants, the ways of emission, the emission concentration and total volume, the standard- exceeding emission status, as well as the construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities, so as to be subject to social supervision.
第五十六条 对依法应当编制环境影响报告书的建设项目,建设单位应当在编制时向可能受影响的公众说明情况,充分征求意见。
Article 56. The project owner of a construction project for which an environmental impact report should be prepared pursuant to the law shall explain relevant situations to the potentially-affected public when preparing the environmental impact report, and solicit public opinions.
The competent department that is responsible for the examination and approval of environmental impact assessment documents for the construction project shall make public the full text of environmental impact reports of the construction project upon receipt thereof with exception of commercial secrets and confidential circumstances as specified by the State.In the case of a construction project failing to solicit sufficient public comments, they shall request the project to fulfill the task.
第五十七条 公民、法人和其他组织发现任何单位和个人有污染环境和破坏生态行为的,有权向环境保护主管部门或者其他负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门举报。
Article 57. Citizens, legal persons and other organizations shall be entitled to report and complain environmental pollution and ecological damage activities of any units and individuals to competent environmental protection administrations or other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities.
In the event the local people’s government and its environmental protection administrations or any other relevant departments fail to fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with the law, any citizen, legal person or other organizations have the right to report it to the competent higher level governments or the supervisory department according to law.
The authorities receiving the report shall keep confidential the relevant information of the informant, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the informant.
第五十八条 对污染环境、破坏生态,损害社会公共利益的行为,符合下列条件的社会组织可以向人民法院提起诉讼:
Article 58. For activities that cause environmental pollution, ecological damage and public interest harm, social organizations that meet the following conditions may file litigation to the people's courts:
(1) Have their registration at the civil affair departments of people’s governments at or above municipal level with sub-districts in accordance with the law;
(2) Specialize in environmental protection public interest activities for five consecutive years or more, and have no law violation records.
Courts shall accept the litigations filed by social organizations that meet the above criteria.
The social organizations that file the litigation shall not seek economic benefits from the litigation.
第六章 法律责任
Chapter VI Legal Liability
第五十九条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者违法排放污染物,受到罚款处罚,被责令改正,拒不改正的,依法作出处罚决定的行政机关可以自责令改正之日的次日起,按照原处罚数额按日连续处罚。
Article 59. Where an enterprise, public institution or other producer or business operator is fined due to illegal discharge of pollutants, and is ordered to make correction, if the said entity refuses to make correction, the administrative organ that makes the punishment decision pursuant to the law may impose the fine thereon consecutively on a daily basis according to the original amount of the fine, starting from the second day of the date of ordered correction.
The fine prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall, pursuant to relevant laws and regulations, be enforced in accordance with considerations of operating cost of pollution prevention and control facilities, direct loss or illegal gains caused by such violations.
Local regulations, based on actual demand of environmental protection, may extend the coverage of types of violation activities to be subject to the daily-based fine as stipulated in the first paragraph.
第六十条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者超过污染物排放标准或者超过重点污染物排放总量控制指标排放污染物的,县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门可以责令其采取限制生产、停产整治等措施;情节严重的,报经有批准权的人民政府批准,责令停业、关闭。
Article 60. Where an enterprise, public institution or other producer or business operator discharges pollutants in excess of emission standards, or in excess of the total emission quota of major pollutants, the competent environmental protection administrations of the people ’s government at or above the county level may order it to restrict production or emission or to suspend production for rectification; under grave circumstances, it shall be reported and be ordered by competent people’s government with approval authority to suspend its operations.
第六十一条 建设单位未依法提交建设项目环境影响评价文件或者环境影响评价文件未经批准,擅自开工建设的,由负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门责令停止建设,处以罚款,并可以责令恢复原状。
Article 61. For construction projects that proceed to commence the construction of the projects p, rior to submitting EIA reports or having such reports approved, competent government departments with environmental protection supervision responsibility shall order them to stop the construction, impose fine penalty, and may require restoration of the construction sites.
第六十二条 违反本法规定,重点排污单位不公开或者不如实公开环境信息的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护主管部门责令公开,处以罚款,并予以公告。
Article 62. For key pollutant-discharging units that violate this Law and fail to disclose at all or disclose false environmental information, environmental departments of government at or above county level shall order them to disclose such information, impose fine penalty, and issue public notice on their violation.
第六十三条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者有下列行为之一,尚不构成犯罪的,除依照有关法律法规规定予以处罚外,由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门或者其他有关部门将案件移送公安机关,对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,处十日以上十五日以下拘留;情节较轻的,处五日以上十日以下拘留:
Article 63. Where an enterprise, public institution or other producer or business operator commits any of the following acts and where no crime has been constituted, in addition to punishment pursuant to relevant laws and regulations, the case shall be transferred to the public security authority by the competent environmental protection administrations of the people’s government at or above the county level or other relevant departments, and the person directly in charge and other personnel subject to direct liabilities shall be imposed a detention of 10 days to 15 days; in case the circumstances are relatively minor, a detention of 5 days to 10 days shall be imposed:
(1) Where the said entity’s construction project has not been subject to environmental impact assessment in accordance with the law, and is ordered to stop construction, but it refuses to carry out;
(2) Where the entity, in violation of the law, discharges pollutants without a pollutant discharge permit, and is ordered to stop discharging pollutants, but it refuses to carry out;
(3) Where the said entity discharges pollutants through concealed drains, seepage wells or pits, perfusion, tampering or forgery of monitoring data, abnormal operating of facilities used for prevention and control of pollution, or other means that evade regulation;
(4) Where the said entity produces or uses pesticides that are expressly prohibited by the State, and is ordered to make correction, but it refuses to correct.
第六十四条 因污染环境和破坏生态造成损害的,应当依照《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》的有关规定承担侵权责任。
Article 64. Those who cause damages due to environmental pollution and ecological destruction shall bear tort liability in accordance with provisions of Tort Liability Law of the People's Republic of China.
第六十五条 环境影响评价机构、环境监测机构以及从事环境监测设备和防治污染设施维护、运营的机构,在有关环境服务活动中弄虚作假,对造成的环境污染和生态破坏负有责任的,除依照有关法律法规规定予以处罚外,还应当与造成环境污染和生态破坏的其他责任者承担连带责任。
Article 65. Those environmental impact assessment agencies, environment monitoring authorities and those institutions engaged in the operation and maintenance of monitoring equipment and pollution prevention and control facilities that resorts to deception when providing environmental service, and are responsible for the environmental pollution and ecological damage as a result of their fraud, shall bear joint liability with others responsible for pollution and damage, in addition to punishment pursuant to relevant laws and regulations.
第六十六条 提起环境损害赔偿诉讼的时效期间为三年,从当事人知道或者应当知道其受到损害时起计算。
Article 66. The validity period for prosecution with respect to compensation for environmental pollution damage shall be three years, counted from the time when the party becomes aware of or should become aware of the damage.
第六十七条 上级人民政府及其环境保护主管部门应当加强对下级人民政府及其有关部门环境保护工作的监督。发现有关工作人员有违法行为,依法应当给予处分的,应当向其任免机关或者监察机关提出处分建议。
Article 67. The people's governments at higher levels and their competent environmental protection departments shall strengthen the supervision and inspection over the environmental protection work of the people's governments at lower levels and their relevant departments. Where relevant staff members are found violation behavior of laws and should be subject to administrative sanctions pursuant to the law, suggestions for imposing sanctions shall be proposed to the appointment and removal organs of such staff members or the relevant supervisory authorities.
Where competent environmental protection departments fail to issue administrative punishments despite being so required in accordance with the law, the competent environmental protection departments of higher-level people’s governments may directly make the decision on administrative punishments.
第六十八条 地方各级人民政府、县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门和其他负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门有下列行为之一的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予记过、记大过或者降级处分;造成严重后果的,给予撤职或者开除处分,其主要负责人应当引咎辞职:
Article 68. Where the local people's governments at various levels, competent environmental protection administrative departments of people’s governments at or above county level or other departments with environmental supervision responsibilities commit any of the following acts, the persons directly in charge and other personnel subject to direct liabilities shall be given a demerit, a serious demerit or be demoted; where grave consequences are caused, the foregoing persons shall be removed from office or be dismissed, and the primary persons in charge of the relevant departments shall take the blame and resign from office:
(1) Where they grant administrative permits to applicants that fail to meet requirements;
(2) Where they cover up environment-related illegalities;
(3) Where they fail to make decisions on suspension of production or closure despite being so required pursuant to the law;
(4) Where they fail to promptly investigate upon discovery or receiving reports on acts of excessive discharge of pollutants and discharge of pollutants through means that evade regulation that cause environmental incidents, failure to enforce ecological protection measures that causes ecological damage, etc.;
(5) Where they violate this Law and seal up and detain the facilities and equipment of enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators;
(6) Where they tamper or forge, or instigate others to tamper or forge the monitoring data;
(7) Where they fail to disclose environmental information that should be disclosed in accordance with the law;
(8) Where they withhold, misappropriate or divert for other purposes the pollutant discharge fees collected;
(9) Where they have committed other illegal acts as prescribed by laws and regulations."
第六十九条 违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
Article 69. Those who violate this Law and constitutes a criminal offense shall be investigated for criminal liabilities in accordance with the law.
第七章 附则
Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
第七十条 本法自2015年1月1日起施行。
Article 70. This Law shall enter into force since January 1, 2015.
注:该英文版本由中欧环境治理项目(EU – China Environmental Governance Programme)翻译,供各界人士研学之用,并非官方发布版本。
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